You want to get out of the daily grind and enjoy some time as a couple, but you’re wondering “What can you do as a couple”? Then we have put together 8 cool inspirations for you. Have fun!

Have an indoor picnic

Serve yourselves dinner on a picnic blanket laid out in the living room. Open a bottle of wine with some favorite finger foods. An indoor picnic can be even more fun and romantic than a traditional outdoor picnic. It’s quieter and there are no interruptions!

Fly a kite

Stop at the grocery store to buy some goodies. Then grab a Frisbee or kite (if there’s enough wind) for some outdoor fun.


Game night

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a good time. Make a date to have a game night together, grab a bottle of wine and some good snacks, and set out your favorite games.


Inline skating

Roller skating is always fun, even if neither of you has ever tried it before. Ice skating is also a great option during the cold months. But don’t forget your knee pads and helmets.


Enjoy the sunset together

Take a walk on the beach, sit on a dock, find a higher spot or just a quiet spot to enjoy the sunset together. A light dinner with a bottle of your favorite wine or even the jukebox with your favorite playlist goes great with this.


Start a TV Show together

Watching TV and movies together is one of the easiest activities you can do after a long day at work. But make sure you focus only on you and the series. Therefore, no posting or other cell phone activities.

This is also a great time to cuddle and get closer and cozy up on the couch with snacks and the remote.



May I ask for this dance? It’s time to play your songs together, or put on your favorite playlist. Ask your (spouse) partner to dance in the kitchen or in a nearby park.


Couples massage

If your partner isn’t up for a spa day, you can also just turn on relaxing music, light candles, and take turns massaging each other. If you don’t want to commit to a full body massage, you can also try a hand, foot or facial massage.

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