This topic concerns every person who is in a relationship, marriage or even looking for a relationship. Here are some important points on four basic topics that are essential in a healthy relationship. You can find more detailed info on many other topics in the free Lifelongapp.


Share your dreams with your partner. Excite each other about what you desire. Think together about how you could achieve your dreams. As a couple, you are the best team in the world. Partners should cheer each other on and support each other. I was always someone who didn’t have big goals. Although I have already had a few victories. But I was never aware of what I was really capable of. Unlike my husband, he always saw the great possibilities in me. And this idea then helped me to persevere even in difficult situations.

What values in life are important to you?

What do you want for your future in terms of unity with your partner?

What is important in a relationship?


Communication is the linchpin of the relationship. And without ever being prepared for it, actually our life depends on good communication. We will never be able to get deep into a relationship with superficial conversations and half-hearted getting to know each other.

The goal in a marriage is intimacy: emotional and physical intimacy. If you don’t communicate honestly and openly and don’t constantly work on your communication skills, you will go down the road that at least half of all married couples go down, divorce for lack of communication.

Mutual Attraction:

Mutual attraction is the magic of relationship. God has placed the capacity for this powerful feeling in every human being. And the longing for it meets us when we open a book, turn on the TV, read a gossip magazine or look at the Bible.

Yet a fleeting infatuation is usually limited to the attractiveness of face and body. If the two did not know each other before, this is often the entry into a deeper connection. The healthier and more mature attraction involves the person as a whole. Now it is also about character and personality.

A sustainable relationship is only possible when your mutual attraction has reached the higher level. Ask yourself a few questions about this:

Do you admire your friend’s sincere character?
Do you admire your partner’s devotion and passion? What is important in a relationship?
Do you see his ability to deal with people, his intelligence, his kindness, his courage, his integrity…?


The topic of time is quite comprehensive! Not to forget, of course, the external conditions: Work, study, school, family, etc. In the chaos of everyday life there is often so much to do, sometimes there is little time left for the partnership.

As a couple, it is often easier to turn on the TV and have a series marathon than to make a cup of tea and talk about important issues. Nothing against television and series marathons. But especially when you don’t have that much time for each other anyway, a good conversation could be very important. Or if the friends or the family of the partner are always in the center of the relationship of both of you, then it would also be important to listen sometimes to the quiet voice, to do something alone. The same applies to work. Especially in building your life and career, it seems absolutely necessary to always be available to your employer. But your partner is at least as important.