Die Besten Beziehungsapps 2019

Eine Gute Beziehungs App zu finden ist gar nicht so einfach, es gibt gefühlt 1.000 aber keine passt wirklich. Hier sind die 10 Besten Beziehungs Apps 2019, für dich und deinen Partner.   Beziehungs App zum Aufbau/ Verbesserung/ Stärkung der Beziehung.   1....

The right way to love? | 5 love languages

Often we are not sure whether our partner really loves us. We know he does, but why does it often not feel that way? My partner for his part does not seem to be really sure despite all my expressions of love. What the hell’s going on? How does this uncertainty come...

Richtig lieben?!

Oft sind wir uns nicht sicher, ob uns der Partner wirklich liebt. Wir glauben zwar zu wissen, dass er es tut, aber warum fühlt es sich häufig nicht so an? Mein Partner seinerseits scheint trotz all meiner Liebesbekundungen auch nicht wirklich sicher zu sein. Was ist...

5 relationship killers The young marriage

The young marriage   You don’t get 25 years of marriage for nothing. Sometimes the price is very high. But it is always worth it.In the first part of this series I discussed the challenges of the first years. Now you’re married. But even on your honeymoon, new...

5 relationship killers in the Midlife Crisis

Part 3: The Midlife Crisis   My husband and I are celebrating our silver wedding anniversary this year. I can’t say for sure if we’ve been through the midlife crisis completely, but I’ve had a few years of experience. Also in the coaching of other couples....