Welcome to Lifelong

Turn your dreams into success stories


Develop yourself personally, broaden your professional and entrepreneurial perspectives and get creative solutions


Lead the partnership you

you really want!


Over 200,000 downloads. The Lifelong App helps you to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your partnership in 15 minutes and offers you tried and tested methods and support for a happy partnership - without expensive couple coaching!


Become a Servant Leader for sustainable success


Learn the critical key factors for sustainable and exceptional growth in profit and non-profit organizations.

Our study in over 80,000 companies worldwide has shown that there are 8 quality characteristics that decide about growth, stagnation or decline of an organization!


Discover the art of balance in all areas of life


You want healthy relationships, a balanced life and a successful career - our coaching supports you on all levels!


Perspectives that inspire


We burn to tell your story with passion and creativity. Whether it's a wedding, event or corporate presentation, we create memories that will stay in your heart for a lifetime.

Willkommen bei Weselys Lifelong Inc – We are Family!

Entdecke, wie du mit unseren maßgeschneiderten Angeboten deine persönlichen und beruflichen Ziele erreichen kannst. Mit der Lifelong App kannst du Beziehungen stärken und familiäre Bindungen vertiefen, gestützt durch den Erfolg unserer Plattform bei über 300.000 Paaren weltweit.

Erlebe die beeindruckende Welt der Wesely Bros, deren internationale Spielfilme und professionelle Dokumentationen Millionen begeistert haben. Unsere Filme, die biblische Werte in Lösungen für aktuelle gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen übersetzen, haben weltweit Anerkennung erlangt.

Erfahre, wie unser Organisches Qualitätsmanagement (OQM), erfolgreich in über 80.000 Unternehmen in mehr als 60 Ländern, auch dein Unternehmen voranbringen kann.

Das Besondere bei Lifelong Inc ist, dass die ganze Wesely Familie ihre Talente einsetzt, um außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Jedes Familienmitglied bringt seine einzigartigen Stärken ein, um unsere Vision zu verwirklichen und unsere Kunden zu inspirieren.

Bei Lifelong Inc setzen wir auf Innovation, Qualität und die Kraft der Zusammenarbeit. Werde Teil unserer Gemeinschaft und verwandle deine Träume in greifbare Erfolge.

The Lifelong Relationship App

Have the partnership you really want!

Über 250 000 Downloads

The Lifelong App helps you to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your partnership in 15 minutes and offers you tried and tested methods and assistance for a happy partnership - without expensive couple coaching!


Wir haben 2023 einen christlichen Weihnachtsfilm produziert, der seit Dezember 2023 auf vielen Streaming Seiten zu sehen ist. Seit November 2023 arbeiten wir an einem neuen Projekt namens “Silent Front” eine christliche Militärserie.

A Law for Christmas quick summary
The film is about an aspiring politician who has to go to the countryside for her job, where she realizes what life is really about and that people are more important than numbers.

The Lifelong Coaching

Personal coaching and business coaching.

Discover the art of balance in all areas of life.

You want healthy relationships, a balanced life and a successful career - our coaching supports you on all levels!

The Lifelong Coaching Business

Do not lose sight of the essentials of life!

Who do you really want to be? Professional - Manager - Executive or Entrepreneur?

Mastersoul Class
In dialogue you clarify the big questions of your life.

Mastersoul intensive
The 6-day intensive program in Nachville Tenneessee.

Lifelong Production

Photo and video production

Perspectives that inspire!

We burn to tell your story with passion and creativity. Whether it's a wedding, event or corporate presentation - we create memories that will stay in your heart for a lifetime.

Lifelong Speaking


Unforgettable words for unforgettable moments 

Finding the right words for the right occasion is an art.
Dr. Stephan Wesely inspires his audience with powerful stories and clear arguments.
As a wedding speaker, Michaela Wesely creates an unforgettable wedding ceremony that touches and inspires the couple and their guests.

The coaching of Dr. Stephan Wesely has a very special quality for me in view of the many consultations I have already experienced in my professional career.

His coaching style combines a great deal of experience from all areas of management and leadership of companies with the wisdom in recognizing people's needs and helping them to release the potential they have gained as a result.

This is a unique blend for me and makes Dr. Wesely's consultation so extraordinarily valuable.

Thomas Schürer

CEO - "The See-Through

For me, a well-prepared generational change in a company is one of the most important tasks of an owner-managed company. We planned 7 years for the handover of the company to the next generation of my children. Dr. Stephan Wesely supported us incredibly well in this generational change. He analyzed exactly in which stage of development the company is and which maturity level the new generation of managers shows in their mindset. This analysis was the central basis for us to close the gaps in order to master the upcoming generation change.

Achim Kopp

Managing Director of Kopp Schleiftechnik gGmbH

Thanks to Dr. Stephan Wesely, I have succeeded in recent years in sharpening our focus and our senses for people and giving priority to cooperation, away from looking at the economic figures of our company.

Dr. Wesely's skills in human resource development are exceptional in my view! This makes him a successful and wonderful team coach.

Inko Hesse

Managing Director KH Leipzig/Halle

I have known and worked with Stephan Wesely for many years. He is a born consultant in my eyes. He is infinitely clever, can listen very well, asks super questions and our customers are without exception enthusiastic about him. The same goes for me. I look forward to many more years together.

Jürgen Short

CEO Tempus/Office Kaizen

Working with Dr. Stephan Wesely allows us to provide independent and highly competent coaching support for our most talented employees. Through his extensive experience, Dr. Wesely guides employees towards the self-realization of their development needs and his deep methodological know-how empowers them to master these new challenges.

Dr. Torben Schüttfort

Managing Director - BD

Dr. Wesely has sharpened my own perception as a manager of a social-caritative enterprise. Only with this has it been possible to successfully promote the empowerment of my managers for their individual areas in the cooperation that has already existed for over 15 years.

Step by step, my managers were put in a position to master the upcoming challenges in a self-determined and agile manner. I am looking forward to the next steps together.

Andreas Nies

ehem. Geschäftsführer eines großen caritativen Dienstleisters

What I particularly appreciate about Stephan's style is his ability to make the space safe and familiar for all participants, so that everyone can express themselves freely and without inhibition. His empathy and sensitivity allow him to quickly address individual needs and make each participant feel heard and understood.

He has a deep understanding of the human psyche and is able to address and resolve difficult issues in a comfortable yet effective manner.

His work is of outstanding quality and has the potential to make a lasting difference in the lives of every participant in the group.

Lisa Göppert

CEO Bestseller Publishing/My best Concept

Dr. Stephan Wesely masters on the one hand "leading through questions" and on the other hand he is a good "human explainer". He often asks open questions, depending on the goal of the coaching and knowledge of the context, which force one to think about e.g. the meaning and the drives of one's own actions. Then he interprets the answer and reflects it. Thus, an often confused, chaotic answer of the "client" who is overwhelmed with the questions is suddenly meaningful to him again and potentially valuable for his growth.

Guillem Aranda

R&D Director at BD Rowa

Dr. Wesely has accompanied the intensive care service Lebenswert by Korian for many years in the area of consulting, strategy and coaching of the management and managers.


It brings the executives and the management levels at the presence meetings back to the origin and the actual mission of the company. On this basis, the organizational structure and organizational development is optimized and developed in the best possible way.

Through his friendliness and his wealth of experience, he is able to confront the most diverse problems in everyday life with many amusing stories. Despite active and purposeful elaboration of the different topics, each meeting becomes a nice common experience of the teams and an individual experience for each one.

Martina & Rudi Wiedmann

Management Lebenswert GmbH/Korean