Discover the art of balance in all areas of life


Don't lose sight of the essentials of life!

Your coach helps you 

-Find and maintain balance in all of your life roles.

-manage your professional and private changes well

-and raise awareness of what really matters in your life!


Business coaching

Who do you really want to be - professional - manager - executive or entrepreneur?

Your business coach helps you 

- find the role and task that suits you and makes you successful

- develop the skills you really need at each level and the transitions to the next level

-not to lose confidence in difficult times.

Master Soul Class

Strengthen the immune system of your soul!

At Mastersoul you are the center of attention with your questions, fears, worries and dreams. In dialogue you clarify for yourself the big questions of your life:

  • What is life and who am I?
  • What on earth am I living for?
  • What am I standing on when the ground is pulled out from under my feet?
  • What really counts at the end of life?
  • What is the meaning of my life?

All your life issues are welcome!

Relationship Coach

Have the partnership you really want!

Turn quarrels and conflicts into a loving relationship!  

Relationship problems have many causes: Jealousy, misunderstandings and different expectations are some of them. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, however, it is difficult to keep the relationship healthy.

In relationship coaching, you will work on changing your mindset, improving communication and understanding your partner better.

Here you can contact us directly!

6 + 5 =

How it works


Initial interview

In the first meeting we get to know each other and we can see if it fits interpersonally with us. We get to know each other and you describe your situation so that we can make you the best and most accurate offer possible.


Does everything fit?

If everything fits we will meet again to think about a concrete concept. Here we will go concretely into the planning to be able to provide you with the greatest possible benefit. 

Here we go!

Once we have completed all the formalities, the coaching can begin. Depending on how we have designed our joint plan, we meet weekly or monthly, online or on-site. 

Our coaching offer at a glance

Relationship Coach

Reasons for relationship coaching

  • You just want to do something for your partnership
  • You have difficulties that can not be solved alone
  • There is often dispute
  • You have relationship problems due to different sexual ideas
  • The unfulfilled desire to have children divides you
  • There is a loss of confidence in the room
  • One of you two was unfaithful
  • You fight with jealousy
  • One of you does not feel loved
  • You have different ideas about time regarding the partnership
  • Separation threatens

Relationship Coaching Intensive

Take a week with your partner and join us in Nashville/Tennessee. In the inspiring atmosphere of Nashville and the tranquility of the Smokey Mountains you will have time to rediscover your love.

Two intensive coaching sessions per day will support you to deepen communication, identify issues and reunite your life paths. We will be available as contact persons at any time.

Mastersoul Class Intensive

If you're looking for an intensive and compact look at the meaning of life and your goals, I have the perfect offer for you! I offer a 6-day program in Nashville and the Smokey Mountains that will inspire you and get to the heart of your life goals.

The time is planned to enjoy both nature and the music city of Nashville.

I am sure that with this offer you will fill up with new energy and inspiration and achieve your goals.

Just sign up for a personal meeting and let's have an unforgettable time together!

The cooperation with Dr. Stephan Wesely was excellent and goal-oriented.

He coached the entire company with all divisions, led all employees of Kern Haus AG into the goal process. For more than a decade he developed the company forward and made it successful. It was and is a cooperation crowned with success.

Bernhard Summer

CEO Kern-Haus AG

What I particularly appreciate about Stephan's style is his ability to make the space safe and familiar for all participants, so that everyone can express themselves freely and without inhibition. His empathy and sensitivity allow him to quickly address individual needs and make each participant feel heard and understood.

He has a deep understanding of the human psyche and is able to address and resolve difficult issues in a comfortable yet effective manner.

His work is of outstanding quality and has the potential to make a lasting difference in the lives of every participant in the group. Lisa Göppert

CEO Bestseller Publishing/My best Concept

For me, a well-prepared generational change in a company is one of the most important tasks of an owner-managed company. We planned 7 years for the handover of the company to the next generation of my children. Dr. Stephan Wesely supported us incredibly well in this generational change. He analyzed exactly in which stage of development the company is and which maturity level the new generation of managers shows in their mindset. This analysis was the central basis for us to close the gaps in order to master the upcoming generation change.

Achim Kopp

Managing Director of Kopp Schleiftechnik gGmbH

We have engaged Dr. Stephan an Wessely for leadership development in our company for many months.

Important to us is a modern leadership with a soft heart and a hard spirit. Stephan is particularly characterized by his high level of competence as well as his outstanding ability to reach people.

Authentic, humorous, interesting and practical as well as pictorial and with very impressive examples he always manages to develop the team to a higher level.

For me, Stephan is an absolute expert in leadership building.

Michael Ladwig

CEO Baehr